Friday, January 23, 2009

Angel Fish

Angel fish are beautiful, and one is tempted to want to include them in their home aquarium, but you must be committed to care for their special needs.

Angel Fish occupy almost any position in the aquarium, yet they seem to enjoy standing still for quite a while defying gravity, but can dart away from the stance with very great speed if aroused. While they eat flakes easily, you must provide a mixture of diet including live food. Please note that these fish will keep on eating until they start suffering from being overfed, then they go off food, (hunger strike) and its difficult to get them eating again , example,they starve themselves to death.

Suitable fish that are compatible for your aquarium are Silver Dollars, Silver Tips, Rainbows and Clown Loaches. With proper tank maintenance,Angels will live for years. In the rivers Angles hide between broad leaves and twigs and it is a good idea to include live plants in the aquarium for they comfort, also include a piece of slate or broad log for breeding if required. Breeding is reasonably easy in the aquarium, providing other fish don't eat the eggs, or finally the young fries.

The female choose her mate who accompanies her for a while, and when she is ready to lay her eggs she cleans the area, deposit the eggs, and both parents fan the water around them to ensure proper circulation. After about two days the little ones are hatched, and they survive by eating the remainder of their yoke sac. After one week they will be swimming about and can be fed with Brine Shrimp.

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